The last post (Wanna See a Bigger Crisis...) stirred some unexpected responses from readers. They seemed to take seriously the suggestion to keep healthcare costs and prices high in order to avoid a bigger economic slump. I wonder what exactly they thought… “Hm… the logic is straight forward but… something seems a bit off… “ This tells me that I am lacking as a humorist. Although it also makes me wonder why would anyone think that the suggestion was serious? Was it the reliable data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics?
Clearly, to keep healthcare costs and prices up makes no sense overall despite the fact that some in the healthcare industry benefit from the current structure. But it makes just as little sense to advocate artificially propping up housing prices when they have come down. If it is the policy of the United States to promote home ownership then why do some advocate having the government increase housing prices? Maybe it will make homeownership more affordable for the poor? It makes little sense to complain about prices going down in one industry and up in another.
I think it was the parentheses that made me think you were actually serious. This reminds me of your cause-issue-problem lecture back in 2004. The logic works well with me.