Wednesday, March 18, 2009

This all began back in the Renaissance

A couple of months ago I was flying to Switzerland to co-teach a class on innovation to students from five continents. Coming from the United States, I would inevitably be asked about my take on the financial crisis. Formulating my analysis, I noticed the irony that while I would be commenting on the proposed government bailouts and economic stimulus packages, I would be doing so a few miles downhill from Hotel du Parc , Mt. Pelerin, site of the first gathering of the Mont Pelerin Society sixty years earlier. This group, mostly economists, had argued that government intervention in the economy leads to government monopoly, and worse. (related post)

Above the Atlantic, I was also catching up on my WSJ reading, perusing KLM’s in-flight magazine, HollandHerald, during my breaks from the Journal. I found two interesting articles.
The first one, When It Comes to Cash , A Thai Village Says ‘Baht, Humbug!’ in the WSJ (Jan 7, 2009), told the story of a village in Thailand, which decided to print its own money after the 1998 Asian financial crisis. Unable to rely on the value of the government-issued baht, the villagers started printing their own local currency, and have been using it successfully for a decade, side-by-side and in competition with the baht. The result has been local economic growth and development largely unaffected by the vicissitudes of the broader Thai economy that relies exclusively on the monopoly currency.

Therefore, if competition is better than monopoly (anti-trust legislation is almost universal) and government monopoly is worse (especially so, according to the Mont Pelerin Society), why do we have a government monopoly on money, and could that monopoly have contributed to the current financial crisis?

The second article, Douglas Rushkoff’s Futurenomics in the HollandHerald (Jan 2009), gave perhaps the easiest to understand answer to these questions. I strongly believe in the need for clear communication, thus, impressed by the clear explanation, I quote a few of the most relevant passages below, throwing in one example from US history for a good measure:

“This all began back in the Renaissance, when a waning monarchy was looking for ways to preserve its power in the face of a rising merchant class. The merchants were becoming richer than the royals. So the monarchs came up with an idea: chartered monopolies. By granting one of these new companies exclusive province over a particular industry or region, monarchs earned their undying loyalty—as well as a generous portion of shares in the enterprise. They began to write laws that favoured their chartered companies,…

Such a law was the Tea Act of 1773, which granted the East India Company, originally chartered by Elizabeth I in 1600, exclusive right to import duty-free tea into the American colonies. This mandated cost advantage gave it a virtual monopoly. Bostonians, in protest of such special privilege, boarded the company’s ships in the harbor and dumped the tea overboard. Interestingly, it may have been Benjamin Franklin who proposed that the British Government relieve the East India Company of paying duties on its tea as a way to prop up its finances. Nowadays we call that bailout.

“…such as preventing inhabitants of colonies from creating any value for themselves; they had to ship raw resources back to the mother country, where they were processed into clothes or other finished goods. This model of business-by-extraction carried over to finance as well. European towns had used local currencies for centuries. Farmers would bring their wheat to a grain store, who would in turn give them receipts for the amount of grain kept for them. These receipts served as local currency. The system was so efficient, and people were living so well, that people of this era were taller than at any time until the last few decades. By making local currency illegal, a monarch could force people to use his own more expensive ‘coin of the realm’ instead. So, rather than being earned into existence, this money was borrowed into existence.

“Over the next 400 years, the business of money slowly grew bigger than business itself. A central bank creates money and charges interest to the next bank down the line, and so on, until it gets to the business that needs to do something useful. The problem is, more value is being extracted on each level than business can produce. There are simply too many institutions—too many lenders—to be paid.

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